Equip School

Equip School exists to provide the biblical basis and the practical applications for you in three different streams – personal discipleship, bible/theology and lifeskills. The goal is to build a strong personal Christian foundation, catalyse spiritual growth and to help you make disciples. We hold a variety of classes throughout the year in a group setting that involve biblical teaching, group discussions and mid-week applications. Currently no classes.

Personal Discipleship Stream

If you are a looking to grow your personal relationship with God then the personal discipleship stream is for you. We have three courses in this stream which are encouraged to be attended in the following progressive order:

Foundations in Christ
This is a course for new believers or those wanting to revisit the foundations of their Christian faith. It will help you discover how God wants to transforms your life from the inside out. If you have never been through a formal course that sets out the foundations of the Christian life, then this is for you.
Topics include: Discovering God, Following Jesus, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Conversations with God (part one), Conversations with God (part two), Belonging to the Family, A Life of Purpose
A Life of Service
This is a course for those who are looking to serve God with their spiritual gifts in their area of passion. Our relationship with God is not just about us; instead, God transforms us to serve and contribute to the church and the community. This course helps you discover your spiritual gifts, embrace your personality and identify your area of passion. Our goal is to help you be fruitful and fulfilled, finding a meaningful place of service to grow God’s kingdom.

Topics include: A Life of Service, Discovering My Spiritual Gifts, Identifying My Spiritual Gifts, The Five Fold Equipping Ministry, Passion and Personality, Finding My Place

Bible/Theology Stream

If you are looking to develop your understanding of the Bible and how it applies to your life then this stream is for you. It aims to provide you with a framework that helps you understand the Bible better and to help you equip others in their understanding of and obedience to the Bible.
Introduction to Theology
The most important thing in the world is how we understand and know God. This is what theology is all about. This course will help you explore how our beliefs about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit affect every aspect of life from suffering, personal transformation, sin, eternity and church life.
Topics include: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Man & Sin, Salvation, Church, End Times
Old Testament Survey
The Old Testament can be confusing to read and seemingly irrelevant. However, this course will help equip you to discover the rich treasures and life stories of the Old Testament, how they apply to our lives and how God uses the Old Testament to show His people their need for Jesus.

Topics include: God’s Covenants and the Patriarchs, Exodus and the Law at Sinai, The Conquest and Pre-Kingdom Period, The Kingdom Period of Israel, Divine Warnings and the Exile, Restoration and the Promised Messiah

New Testament Survey

This course helps you discover in more depth how to understand the New Testament. It will unpack the different books of the New Testament and how they impact your discipleship.

Topics include: Background to the NT, The Synoptic Gospels, The Gospel of John, The Book of Acts, Letter to the Galatians, Letter to 1 Timothy and the Book of Revelations

Interpreting The Bible
Bible is crucial to our life as a follower of Christ. None of the books of the Bible were written in a time or place anything like the times or places where we live today. The language, the customs, the social norms, the landscape, and the architecture were vastly different. This course helps you interpret the bible in a way that seeks to understand what the authors intended.

Topics include: Interpreting The Bible, Interpreting The NT and Interpreting The OT

LifeSkills Stream

Our life with God is practical and there are many biblical principles that equip us to live life well with God and with others. This stream seeks to equip you with life skills from the Bible in different areas of life.

Money Matters

Do you know there are more than 2350 verses in the Bible which address money and related life issues? The Bible has much to say about money and how to handle it God’s way. This course will equip you to learn and apply biblical principles on money so that you may know Him more intimately, be free to serve Him, learn how to steward your money and help fund the Great Commission.

Pre-Marriage Course
Marital happiness is not automatic! Husbands and wives – if you are newlyweds or grizzled marital veterans and you are looking to work towards the marriage you’ve always wanted then this course is for you. It will provide a small group environment where couples can journey together and explore marital issues openly to work towards a godly and fulfilling marriage with Jesus at its centre.

Topics include: Language and communication, Anger management, Conflict resolution, Sexual fulfilment, Spiritual intimacy and Money.

Family life is under great pressure today and parents face increasingly challenging choices about how to parent effectively and in a godly way. What we as parents say to and how we raise our children can affect how they think about themselves and God, and so it’s important that we equip ourselves to be godly parents. This course aims to do precisely that: equip you biblically and practically in this challenging area of parenting so that you can honour the Lord and “bring [your children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)