The Gifts in the Valleys

Senior Pastor Chee-Seng FAH  |  Sunday 19 August 2018


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything

Ps Chee shared his personal journey of how God has shepherded his soul through the last two months since his wife’s passing. He shared how we can see God’s provision and not just the problems. In our valleys we can discover three gifts:

  1. The Gift of God – you may not get to see the answers, but you get to see God (Job 42:1-5)
  2. The Gift of Grace – you get overwhelmed with weakness, but you get to experience grace (2 Cor. 12:9-10)
  3. The Gift of Eternity – you feel the pain of death, but you get to discover the crown of eternity (Phil. 1:19-26)


Break into three groups and assign one ‘gift’ to each group to discuss. Read the relevant passage for your group.

  1. Job 42:1-5
  2. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
  3. Philippians 1:19-26

Stay within the allocated group and answer the questions in the observation and application section.



  • What do these passages tell us about God?
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage?
  • What did you not like about this passage?


Discuss one or more of the following relevant questions in your section:

1. The Gift of God

  • Ps Chee shared that death/hardship causes us to ask questions and to seek answers. What kinds of questions have been raised from your experience of death/hardship? What kind of answers were you seeking? What was the outcome?
  • Death exposes what we believe about God. What has death/suffering in your life exposed about what you believe about God?
  • Read verse 5. Describe in your own words what this verse means for you. Give an example of this in your life.
  • In hardship we ask the question, ‘Why God?’, but often God asks us, ‘Why do you love me?’. Why do you love God?

2. The Gift of Grace

  • Define ‘grace’ from this passage. What is the ‘grace’ that Paul is talking about?
  • Describe a time when you have mistaken God’s grace working in someone as their personal strength. Why is it so important for us to not get confused between the two?
  • Share a time when you experienced God’s grace when you were overwhelmed with weakness
  • How do we see God’s grace and human weakness embodied in Jesus?
  • How does our weakness and God’s grace become a bridge to share the gospel to those far from Jesus?

3. The Gift of Eternity

  • Ps Chee shared that sometimes as Christians we live as if eternity is not real. Is this true for you? Discuss.
  • How does eternity change the way you ‘feel’ about death of the people you know and love?
  • Ps Chee shared that death is not a crowning service for everyone, but it can be for the servant of God. What are some of the decisions you need to make today in order for your death to be a crowning service?
  • How does the gift of eternity empower us to live and fulfil the great commission?


Ps Chee shared that God wants to produce something from our lives out of this season as a church. Come together as one group and share in a few sentences your answer to these questions.

  • What does God want to produce out of this season for you personal life?
  • What does God want to produce out of this season for us as a life group?