Mental Health During A Crisis 

Raising Resilient Families

During this lockdown period in Melbourne where we can’t see our family and friends, go out for fun, or do a lot of things we love, it’s natural that many of us will feel the pressure and stresses of everything happening around us and struggle in our mental health. As a church, we recognise that mental health is an important issue that is complex and often misunderstood, so we’ve invited a guest speaker, Dr. Danny Cheah, to come and help us understand mental health issues a bit better, as well as give us practical ways to have positive mental health during this time of crisis.

Dr. Danny Cheah

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Danny Cheah is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist working as the Head of Clinical Services at the Alfred Hospital Child and Youth Mental Health Service in Melbourne, Australia. He leads about 70 mental health professionals and also provides clinical supervision and teaching. Danny also delivers lectures on Adolescent Development and Adolescent Depression for the University of Melbourne Master of Psychiatry Course. Danny is a Christian and attends Neuma Church in Melbourne, Australia. 

Mental Health During A Crisis (English)

Mental health issues, like physical health issues and all forms of human suffering, occur as a result of the fallen nature of the world we live in. This talk is geared at reducing fear and stigma amongst Christians through understanding mental health issues, as well as integrating their faith, spiritual health and emotional health.  This is an important time to think about our mental health, especially since we know that the social and economic impact of crises and disasters can affect people’s mental health in a negative way. This talk is aimed at helping people learn ways to have positive mental health and well-being, with a focus on things that every person can put into practice to build resilience.

Raising Resilient Families (Bilingual)

Mental health issues affect 1 in 4 people worldwide. 75% of mental health problems begin before the age of 25. This topic is to help parents understand mental health, the importance of early intervention, and how to prevent mental health problems through developing resilience in families.

Q & A Webinar

This webinar will briefly address the practicalities of mental health specifically for health workers, parents and youth. It will be followed by an extended time of questions and answers that you may have with Dr Danny that may arise from your personal situation, the Sunday sermon or the webinar.

Practical Tips to Look After Your Mental Health 

Download this handout on how to look after your mental health during a crisis.