Many people either hate their job or simply endure it because they have to. Others become workaholics because they find their identity in an occupation or because of a deep-seated obsession with money. But God wants to make our work better. This four-week series discovers God’s vision for our work and how He is at work in our work. While work can often seem like an evil four-letter word, God has formed us to create, build, and steward his creation. Our worship of God does not stop on Sunday but should continue into our workplace Monday–Friday.

He’s There Too

Sunday 25 October 2020  |  Pastor Chee Seng Fah

We Need to Talk…About You

Sunday 1 November 2020  |  Pastor Chee Seng Fah

Again But Better

Sunday 8 November 2020  |  Pastor Chee Seng Fah

We Don’t Want You Here

Sunday 15 November 2020  |  Pastor Chee Seng Fah