A Kingdom for the Nations

by Andy & Cathy LINTON | God's Heart for the Nations

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  14 July 2019


Luke 4:14–30, Matthew 13:31-32, Acts 2:1-12



  • What is the key message of this passage? Explain why you think so?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • Are there truths in this passage that contradicts your own thinking about God, self or the world?


  1. Take some time to go around and share with one another what your biggest takeaways have been from Global Month so far.
  2. From Luke 4, and many of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels, how would you describe God’s Kingdom? What is it like?
  3. In verses 25–27, Jesus reminds his hearers that prophets in the Old Testament, Elijah and Elisha were sent not to the Jewish people. Rather, this new Kingdom that Jesus was proclaiming was also for other peoples and other nations. This made Jesus’ hearers furious! Andy Linton mentioned that God’s Kingdom was not just about protecting his people and excluding others. It’s not about being safe and comfortable, or about building a wall around ourselves. Sometimes we can feel threatened and are more interested in protecting our own rights instead of growing God’s Kingdom. In your own journey as a disciple, what has been your attitude towards people of other nations, faiths, and those who were different or had different opinions to you? Does it need to change? If so, how?
  4. In Luke 4, Jesus’ audience realised that this new Kingdom that Jesus was describing was not quite what they expected. Jesus’ new Kingdom came with a cost. How has learning about Global Missions and God’s heart for the nations and the unreached impacted your discipleship and behaviour? How does your purpose and mission in life compare to God’s purpose and mission? Does it differ or align? 
  5. In Matthew 13:31-32, Jesus describes God’s Kingdom as a tree that will allow birds to come and perch in its branches. God’s Kingdom is like this tree because its growing and spreading branches can reach into all the nations and allow anyone to come freely, to find shade, shelter, freedom  healing and good news. There are no walls and people of all languages, backgrounds, countries can join the Kingdom of God. We are called to be Christ’ ambassadors and invite people of all nations to come and perch on God’s life-giving tree. How does your life, attitude, decisions or activities reflect the Kingdom of God? In what ways can you be a branch that allows people of other nations and backgrounds to enter the Kingdom of God? 
  6. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God in a new way and showed that the Kingdom was for the nations. In Acts 2:1-12 we see that people of all nations gathered in Jerusalem, and the Holy Spirit filled them so that they could declare the wonders of God in many different languages, and the Kingdom of God would grow and spread to many nations. What are some things, skills, passions, gifts or resources that God has blessed you with which can help to grow God’s Kingdom among the unreached nations? Of the 6 ways to be involved with God’s mission (Go, Send, Pray, Welcome, Learn and Mobilise), what is something you can do?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)