A Symbol of Hope (Good Friday)

by Pastor Greg CRAANEN | Easter 2020

Discussion Questions  |  10 April 2020




Scripture / Discussion Questions


We now live in a new world with new challenges and new ways of doing things. But God himself and our identity as disciples haven’t changed. In this new season, God wants us to thrive and not just survive.

In the book of Philippians, Paul was in chains, but he wanted us to know that what has happened to him actually served to advance the gospel. How can Paul disciple us for this new season we now find ourselves in?

Reinterpret our season – It begins with the shift from ‘working from home’ to ‘working from Him’. This is a season of God building you and building others.

  1. God is building you in your home – we are experiencing unparalleled challenges but the gospel can bring unparalleled change.
  2. Building others from my home – we have restricted freedom, but the gospel can have an unrestricted reach.




Read Philippians 1:12-14


  1. Over the last few weeks, how have your rhythms and routines changed? What has been positive? What has been a challenge?
  2. As you start to identify some of these changes, what are some ways in which God is discipling you through these everyday moments? What has God been speaking to you about?
  3. Even though Paul’s freedom was restricted in prison, he saw the Gospel have an unrestricted reach. In what ways have you seen or experienced God’s kingdom being advanced in the season we find ourselves in now?
  4. Now that we have to stay at home, what does building others from your home look like? What opportunities do you have (eg. reaching out to someone in need, someone you can call)? How can you continue to build an online community from your home?