Death or Life

by Senior Pastor Chee-Seng FAH | But God

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  21 April 2019

But God

One of the most powerful two-word phrases in the Bible is ‘but, God’. This small two-word phrase allows God to change the trajectory of our life. Too many times we look at things through our own eyes and understanding. ‘But God’ tells us to look at things as God sees it. “But, God” stands totally opposed to the negative roar of the world. The world says no — “But, God” says yes! The world says can’t — “But, God” says can! “But, God” is courageous, confident and conclusive! No matter what the situation, no matter what the problem, no matter how bad it may be, “but God” can make it better! “But God” changes everything.


Read Acts 3:1-21



  • What is the key message of this passage? Explain why you think so?

  • What does this passage tell us about God?

  • Are there truths in this chapter that contradict your own thinking about God, self or the world? 

  • Is there something in this passage that surprised or confused you? 


Easter Sunday is one of the most important dates on the Christian calendar.  It is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Not only that, Romans 6:4 tells us ‘just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.’ Before Jesus came into our lives we were dead BUT GOD made us alive in Christ and gave us new life.  On this Easter Sunday let us reflect on our BUT GOD moments and walk afresh in this new life he gives us.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. It is said that the great theologian, Thomas Aquinas once called on Pope Innocent II when the latter was counting out a large sum of money.  ‘You see, Thomas,’ said the Pope, ‘the church can no longer say, ‘Silver and gold have I none.’  ‘True, Holy Father,’ was the reply; ‘neither can she now say, ‘Rise and walk.’ (Acts 3:6-10)  What point was Thomas Aquinas making?  In what area of your discipleship have you settled for comfort and security?  What is a step you can take to get out of your comfort zone so that you see God’s greater power in your Christian walk?
  2. Briefly share your ‘I was . . . but GOD . . . ‘ story.  After everyone has shared spend a time in prayer, praise and worship giving thanks to God for his grace and mercy.
  3. Just like Peter in Acts 3:3-7 you too can be an agent of grace and healing in the life of others.  Who in your circle of relationships can you step out in boldness to be an instrument of God’s grace and restoration? What is your next step?
  4. The beggar did not ask to be healed since he believed he was incurable.  He only thought to ask for what he needed to survive which in his mind was money (Acts 3:1-2).  However, God gave him much more than that.  Share a time when you asked God for something but God gave you something better.
  5. Whilst we can’t all identify with the physical needs of the lame man we can all relate to his feelings of helplessness. Briefly share an area of your life that you are seeking God for healing (physical, emotional, broken marriages, from sin, psychological etc.).  Spend some time praying for one another.
  6. How does Acts 3:1-21 inspire or encourage you? In view of that, what changes do you think God would want you to make in your attitude, words, or actions?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?  
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)