Engaging the Same Sex Debate

Shirley BASKETT, Sunday 8 October


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything



Discipleship In The Same Sex Debate

The Same Sex Debate is a hot issue within our community and around the world at the moment.  As disciples of Jesus Christ we need to be clear in our own minds what the Biblical position is in the area of marriage.  We also need to understand what the Bible teaches about how we treat others who are different to us and do not agree with us.  We are not called to win a debate but to make disciples of Jesus.


Read Matthew 19:4-6 & Hebrews 12:12-14


The Bible makes it clear that marriage, as God designed it, is between one man and one woman at the exclusion of all others.   Whilst we need to uphold this standard in our own lives and our church community we need to be careful not to allow the political debate to be the main issue.  As always, we are called to make disciples who represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything.  The difficult task is to engage with those who disagree with us in grace whilst still living and upholding the truth.

Life Group Questions
1. Do you know anyone from the LGBTIQ community personally and what is your experience interacting with them?

2.  How do you think the LGBTIQ community perceive Christians?  In what way can we bridge the gap so that we can show them the love of Jesus?

3.  Shirley Baskett mentioned the ‘three best helps’ (Spiritual Disciplines, Encounters with God, Having a friend) as an effective way to connect with the LGBTIQ community.  How can we, as a church, implement these helps into our community?

4. What is one thing that you could change in your attitude to the LGBTIQ community that could help you connect better with them in your everyday moments?



  1. Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  2. What will you do to obey this? I will…