God, A Refuge for Others

by Pastor Chee Seng FAH | God In Uncertain Times

Discussion Questions  |  29 March 2020




Scripture / Discussion Questions


We are living in times of uncertainty and it can be confusing and disorientating. It raises questions about our lives, and our faith. Mordecai was living in uncertain times, but he challenged Esther to move from a place of fear to a place of faith. His challenge can be a challenge to God’s people today to live in such a way that He can be a refuge to others through their lives. Mordecai challenges us in three areas:

1. Our focus – moving from self pre-occupation to service

2. Our trust – moving from clarity to trust

3. Our vision – moving from the seen to the unseen



Read Esther 4:1-16

1. What questions have been on your mind during this season of uncertainty with the coronavirus, government restrictions, social distancing and employment challenges?

2. What questions about God do you have during this season? How have you wrestled with it? 

3. Mordecai’s challenge to Esther can be God’s challenge to His church in uncertain times. It is a challenge to our focus, our trust and our vision. Answer one or more of the following questions:

• What is your focus during this period? What does moving from self pre-occupation to service look like for you practically?

• Mordecai did not have clarity about HOW God was going to deliver, but He had trust that God would deliver His people. Mordecai didn’t have clarity in his moment, but He had trust. How does that speak to the questions you have in this season of uncertainty?

4. Discuss among your online group. What opportunities can you see in this season to be God’s refuge for others during this season? What does that look like practically for you and your group?