God – Our Ever Present Help

Pastor Greg CRAANEN    |  Sunday 17 June 2018


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything

Sometimes we have an unrealistic understanding of how Christians live life in this world of suffering and pain.  We can think that we walk around with an invisible shield around us that protects us from the suffering of this life whilst the rest of the world succumbs around us.  This understanding comes crashing down when we, or our loved ones, fall prey to the ills of this world.  It is during these times that we can turn to God and the Bible for a reality check and see that the Bible shows us an entirely different picture.  Christians are not immune from such troubles but He does promise that He will be our ever-present help in times of trouble.  He will walk with us through this journey.


Read Psalm 46



  • What do these passages tell us about God?
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage?
  • What did you not like about this passage?


When trouble does come our way we can choose to journey many paths.  Some paths lead to bitterness and anger at God and others.  Other paths lead to denial or escape.  There is, however, a better path: one that asks the discipleship question.  How can I surrender to God and allow Him to shape me during this time to become more like Jesus? No one else can make the decision for you.  You have to choose the path you will follow.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”. Describe how you have been tempted at times to take refuge in things other than God when in trouble.
  2. “Be still and know that I am God.” How do you seek God’s peace when you have many things coming against you?
  3. What are your opinions on the “Health and Wealth Gospel (Prosperity Gospel)” and how does it line up with Psalm 46 and other scripture?
  4. Familiarise yourself with the Stages of Grief diagram. How would you describe your experience with the stages of grief in your life? How would you support someone in grief?
  5. What “calamities” are you facing now? At the end of the Life Group prayer session, give your anxieties and fears to God in prayer.




  1. Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  2. What will you do to obey this? I will…