SOAR Discussion Questions  |  24 February 2019

But God

One of the most powerful two-word phrases in the Bible is ‘but, God’. This small two-word phrase allows God to change the trajectory of our life. Too many times we look at things through our own eyes and understanding. ‘But God’ tells us to look at things as God sees it. “But, God” stands totally opposed to the negative roar of the world. The world says no — “But, God” says yes! The world says can’t — “But, God” says can! “But, God” is courageous, confident and conclusive! No matter what the situation, no matter what the problem, no matter how bad it may be, “but God” can make it better! “But God” changes everything.



  • Genesis 45:3-8
  • Genesis 50:19-20


  • What do these passages tell us about God? 
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage? 
  • What did you not like about this passage? 


When we recognise that God is the key player, harm can come our way, people can fail us, and we may even lose it all, but God is able to turn everything and use it for the good of his purposes. Our situations may not change, but our perspectives change, our prayers change, and even our character starts to change as we become more and more like the Son. 

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. How have you experienced harm in your lives? Was it caused by bad decisions, or by trying to do the right thing?
  2. Joseph experienced a lot of harm in his life, but he recognised that God was completely sovereign and Lord over his situation. How can God’s grace and sovereignty be recognised in your own life or situation? What can you be thankful for? How can others be blessed and encouraged by your experience? 
  3. Out of spite and hatred, Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him and sold him as a slave, but when Joseph saw them again, he was not angry or revengeful because he understood that even though they intended it for harm, God was able to turn it into good. Has there ever been a time in your life where things have turned out badly, and you’re still unable to let go of or forgive the harm that was caused in your life? How does having a ‘but God’ perspective change your response?
  4. Sometimes in the midst of our situations, it may be hard to see how any of it can be ‘good’, but Romans 8:28 says, ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ What do you think it means for God to be working for our good according to his purpose? What would your life look like if you were living according to God’s purpose instead of your own? What changes would need to be made? 
  5. What are some things that are happening in your life right now that stop you from lifting your faith to see God’s goodness? 
  6. How can others pray with and support you through your situation?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?  
  • What will you do to obey this? I will…