I'm Coming With You

by Sheron Wong | Love Thy Neighbour

Discussion Questions | 29 November 2020

Scripture / Discussion Questions



We have reached the middle of our Love Loud series for 2020. The Love Loud initiative sits under the Vision of our church, which is to ‘build disciples who represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything.’ Love Loud, quite simply, is ‘Blessing our community with no strings attached.’ As we have been blessed so much by God we want to be a blessing to the community in which we live and work. Our theme this year is ‘Love Thy Neighbour’.


In a very challenging year, with Melbourne still with partial restrictions, Jesus’ command to Love Thy Neighbour still applies. We just need to be more creative in the ways we can show love for our neighbour. So, let’s get creative in the way we can bless our community – to live out in practical ways Jesus’ command to Love Thy Neighbour.


Read Acts 28:1-10

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

1. What insight from this Sunday’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. Share an experience where you were the recipient of “unusual kindness”. Explain how it made you feel, and why you still remember it.


Allow yourself to boast just a little (in a good way) and share a time where you feel like you showed unusual kindness. How did it make them feel, & also how did it make you feel?

3. How do you feel about the idea that kindness has a cost to it? Are you ok with kindness costing you something?

4. Discuss what areas of your life you would struggle to have impacted through your kindness and generosity.

5. John 13:34,35 tell us that disciples are defined and identified by their love. Does that feel encouraging to you right now, or does that feel like a challenge?

6. How seriously do you take the mandate to be kind, generous, and loving to those around you?