Loving the People

Bill PONTIKIS |  Sunday 2 December 2018


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything

Let our actions speak loudly. Clayton Church has been part of the Clayton community for over 65 years. We are here and we are invested into caring for our community. We want to pour out the love of Jesus in Clayton with 750 hours of loving acts – whether it is cooking for families with sick children, or helping the elderly with garden maintenance or doing a working bee at the local schools. Join us over the next three weeks, as we explore the words and attitudes of Jesus and begin to love loud our community with no strings attached.


Read 1 Peter 5:6 – 11



  • What do these passages tell us about God?
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What questions do you have about this passage?


As we move forward in living an unshakeable life it is important to realise that it will not be all smooth sailing.  Our enemy, the devil prowls around like a lion seeking whom he may devour.  Whilst he has been defeated on the cross we are in a season between the times.  We still wait for Christ to return and put a final end to Satan and his followers. Therefore, we need to know who is our enemy and how we can resist him.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. Share about a time when you believe the evil one attacked you.  What were Satan’s tactics (e.g. discouragement, doubting God, direct attack by evil spirits such as choking, pressures whilst sleeping etc)?  What instruments did he use (people, self, evil spirits etc)? How did you overcome him?  What lesson did you learn from that encounter?
  2. In this spiritual warfare that we are in it is very important not to confuse who is our real enemy (Ephesians 6:12). Briefly share a time when you mistook someone else for the enemy.  What was your perception of what was happening?  What did you say or do to them?  What was the impact of your actions upon the other person?  Did you ask for forgiveness and apologise?  If you haven’t done so, when are you going to?  How can the Life Group support you?
  3. 3.  1 Peter 5:6-11 is enclosed by ‘God’s mighty hand’ in verse 6 and ‘power’ in verse 11.  The word ‘mighty’ and ‘power’ come from the same Greek word.  It reminds us that we can only fight our enemy in God’s power.  This calls for us to ‘humble ourselves casting all our anxieties on Him’ turning to God in prayer.  Pastor Greg quoted from Oswald Chambers: ‘Prayer is not preparation for work; it is the work.  Prayer is not a preparation for the battle; it is the battle.’  What priority is prayer in your life and your Life Group? What is the next step you need to take to make it a higher priority? Discuss with the Life Group.  Give feedback next time you meet.
  4. Peter writes in 1 Peter 5:9 to resist the devil ‘standing firm in the faith’.  Share with the Life Group some things that you have put in your life to help you ‘stand firm in the faith’ (Accountability group/mentor, prayer covering, etc). Learn from others in the group and get some further ideas for your life.
  5. In what way are you being prudent in putting things in place in your life and family to ensure that the devil does not get a foothold?  Own personal quiet time and family devotions are crucial in this respect. Who initiates the family devotions? Share with the Life Group creative ways that work for you and your family to keep your family devotions fresh and exciting for you and the children.  Swap ideas, resources etc.  and try them out.  Give feedback next time you meet.
  6. 1 Peter 5:9-10 gives us encouragement that comes from knowing we are not alone in our sufferings or this fight against the enemy.  There is a limit to this suffering and when Christ returns He will restore us, make us ‘strong, firm and steadfast.’ In the meantime, how can God use the ‘family of believers’ to help restore us, make us strong, firm and steadfast? Who are the people in your lives that are journeying together with you in your discipleship?  What is your next step in putting others into your life for support?  Are there people outside your Life Group whom you feel led to support in their discipleship?  Share their names with the group and pray for right timing to journey with them?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • What will you do to obey this? I will…