Our Impact

by Sheron WONG | Now What?

Discussion Questions | 14 March 2021

Scripture / Discussion Questions

Much like us coming out of lockdown and wondering where we should be going and what we should be doing, the Israelites have also just come out of slavery in Egypt with new found freedom. Moses is standing on Mt Sinai, and God is making a new covenant with the whole nation of Israel. They were to be His:

Treasured possession: To be portable and mobile messengers of the gospel, taking it to all of humanity

Kingdom of priests: To be His kingdom representatives, mediating His word and His ways to the nations

Holy Nation: To live holistically, bringing heavenly kingdom culture to the here and now

With the seventy elders behind Moses on Mount Sinai, God was making a covenant with the whole of Israel; this was not so they could be exclusive or have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, but so they would be a light and blessing to all the nations of the world. Like the Israelites, we too, were saved for the purpose of bringing Kingdom influence into all spheres of life – to all of humanity, and to all of creation. In our obedience to the ways of God, we become ‘missionaries’ and witnesses who bring Jesus and His Kingdom to the nations.



Discuss one or more of the following questions:

Read Exodus 24:1-8

1. What stood out to you the most in this week’s message and why?

2. The emphasis in being a treasured possession or God’s ‘peculiar people’, is that we would be portable, mobile messengers of the gospel, like jewels that can be taken anywhere to reflect God’s glory. Which places, areas or people outside of church do you feel like God is asking you personally to take the gospel and His kingdom into for His mission?

3. As wind in a dust storm picks up dust and carries it to different places, Genesis 28:14 describes God’s people as dust of the earth being spread out so that all people on earth would be blessed. This move of the wind is like the grace of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives for His purposes and mission. Have you ever experienced this? What does this feel like?

4. We are called to be priests of God’s kingdom and mediators between God and people; spending time with God, spending time with non-Christians, and bringing the two together. Of these three things, which ones are you really good at doing, and which ones do you need to work on?

5. The book of Revelation shows us a glimpse of the reality of what’s to come – a perfect place where God rules as King, with people from every nation, tribe, people and language, worshipping, shining and reflecting the light and brilliance of God’s glory, and the garden of Eden with the tree of life restored. How does knowing this end picture do to help you realign yourself to God’s mission and purpose?

6. As a holy nation, we are called to live holistically, allowing God’s lordship to rule in every area of our lives. When you think about how your faith impacts your relationship with God, your physical self and identity, with other people, and with all of creation, which areas do see a gap and what would it look like if Jesus was Lord over this area? (e.g. taking better care of my health and the body that God has given me so I can serve His mission better, or learning more about how I can live sustainably to better care for God’s creation…)

7. After this week’s sermon and discussion, what is one thing God is asking you to put into action?