Practicing Hearing God's Voice

by Senior Pastor Chee Seng FAH | Reimagining With God

Discussion Questions  |  20 September 2020

Scripture / Discussion Questions


This week Ps Chee explored the practice of hearing God’s voice in each of the four stages of discovering God’s voice:


The Practice of BELIEVING – Hebrews 11:6, James 2:20-22

– Seek diligently with expectation 24/7

– Don’t just feel it, live it

The Practice of RECOGNISING – 1 Corinthians 2:9-12, John 16:13

– Recognise the different ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us: The Word of God, people, circumstances/unusual coincidences, impressions/promptings, dreams, visions, miraculous signs, audible voice/angels, other senses.

– Some practical thoughts: 1) don’t be dismissive, be curious 2) follow the trail even if it leads to a dead end 3) trial and error 4) get familiar 5) rest in God’s timing

The Practice of SURRENDERING – John 7:15-17

– There are four voices we can hear: The voice of self, others, Satan and God.

– A heart of surrender clarifies God’s voice in your life

– Five filters to test if a prompting is from God

1) Is this consistent with God’s character?

2) Is it Scriptural?

3) Is it wise?

4) Is it in tune with your own character?

5) What do people you most trust think about it?

The Practice of EXPERIENCING – John 16:12-13 (AMPC)

– It is our birth right to hear God’s voice, but when we live a lifestyle of hearing and obeying God’s voice, it invites God to speak more. When we hear and obey His voice in the little things, we will be able to hear and obey His voice in the bigger things.

– Hearing and obeying God is an act of laying down our life that enables our lives to be useful for God and His kingdom.



Discuss one or more of the following questions:

1. Share with one another your experience of hearing and obeying God’s voice in the past week.

2. Listening to this week’s sermon, what spoke to you and why?

3. In what practical ways have you been seeking God’s voice diligently with expectation?

4. Look at the list of ways in which the Holy Spirit can speak to us. Share with one another your experience of recognising one of those ways in your life. How did you recognise that it was God’s voice? What was your experience when you obeyed His voice?

5. Have you ever thought you heard God’s voice but got it wrong? Share that experience. How did you feel? How did that impact your journey in discovering God’s voice?

6. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 and Ephesians 4:30-32. What does it mean to ‘quench’ and ‘grieve’ the Holy Spirit? How does that impact you hearing from the Holy Spirit?

7. Read John 7:15-17 (AMPC). Ps Chee shared that surrendering clarifies God’s voice in your life. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss. Give an example in your life.

8. Is there an area in your life where you are trying to discern God’s voice? Share with your life group. Get a member to ask you the five filter questions to help you discern if it is God’s voice.

9. Hearing and obeying God’s voice is an act of laying down your life that enables us to be useful for His kingdom. Share a personal story of how the Holy Spirit worked through your life to minister to someone.

10. What is something you feel like God is asking you to put into action after this week’s sermon and discussion.