Ruth - The Righteous Decision Maker

by Chee-Seng FAH | Ruth

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  2 June 2019


Ruth 1:11-18
Ruth 2:1-12
Matthew 6:33



  • What is the key message of this passage? Explain why you think so?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • Are there truths in this passage that contradicts your own thinking about God, self or the world?


As disciples of Jesus, we try to discern God’s guidance and will in our decision-making.  This is easier to discern when the Bible makes it clear, but there are many decisions in our life that the Bible does not speak to and we are left uncertain.  How do we make decisions into the will of God when we don’t know what it is?  The characters in the story of Ruth help us.

Watch the video from the Bible Project in the Book of Ruth for an overview and the flow of thought.


Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. What are some components that make up your moral compass?  Share one or two with the Life Group.
  2. People now have a greater awareness of Consumer Ethics and its effects on the global community.  As a follower of Jesus, what does your moral compass say is important when it comes to the purchase of products?
    Money is an important part of our modern, everyday life.  As a follower of Jesus, what does your moral compass say is important when it comes to where you put your money to its greatest use?
  3. Read Matthew 6:33.  The meaning here is to put your whole life at the disposal of God’s rule and will so that nothing takes greater priority i.e. putting God on the throne.  What are some things you can put in your life/schedule etc. so that this becomes a lifestyle of obedience rather than a once off, every-so-often obedience?
  4. What areas in the past, before receiving Christ, were you getting your identity from other than Jesus?  What is one area that you still struggle with?
  5. How can you position yourself before God so that you are continuously getting your identity met in Him?
  6. What are some decisions you need to make now that you need to see through kingdom allegiance eyes?  Try to filter your decision-making through the checks of Allegiance (Where is my allegiance?), Motivation (Am I doing what pleases God?) and Identity (Who is building my identity?).  Who can you talk to in order to get a better kingdom perspective?
  7. What are one or two things that God wants you to obey from today’s scriptures and Save & Exit discussion?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)