SOAR Discussion Questions  |  5 May 2019



  • James 5:19-20
  • Luke 15:7
  • John 3:16
  • James 2:13


  • What is the key message of this passage? Explain why you think so?
  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • Are there truths in this passage that contradicts your own thinking about God, self or the world?


If we were to name our heroes, the people we admire, the majority of people would be from the rich and famous  – sports champions, actors, musicians, entrepreneurs etc.  They would be people who are successful in some way. In Matthew 19: 30 Jesus said that, ‘Many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.’  The Kingdom of God is an upside down kingdom that doesn’t exalt the rich and famous but puts everyone on an even playing field. It reaches out to the weak, lost and unknown and gives them the same hero status as the strong, rich and famous. It also puts the responsibility on the strong to help the weak, those who have been ‘found’ by God to reach out to the lost, and those who are highly visible to reach out and honour the invisible in our society.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. One of our values is Connecting with those near and far from God.  How much time in your life do you have with those who are far from God?  How can you factor in more time with them?  Who would you connect with?
  2. Share a time in your life when you wondered away from God and church?  What helped you return?  What was helpful? What was not helpful?  How can your experience help you reach out to others?
  3. Is there someone that you know that has stumbled in his or her faith?  When was the last time you contacted them?  When are you going to do it?
  4. Is there someone you know right now who needs a candle that will light up his or her lives?  If they are in your relationship circle then you are that candle. How can you be a light in their world? What is your first step?
  5. In John 13:34-35 Jesus said, ‘A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ It will be the love that people see in your homes, church etc that will be the greatest witness to an unbelieving world.  In what way can you cultivate a culture of loving one another in church?  What are some practical things you can do to show that love?
  6. Spend some time during the week before God asking for a reality check.  How do you really feel about those who are different to you – the drug addicts, the LGBTIQ community, the poor, certain races/cultures, etc?  Finish off with a time of repentance and asking God to give you a new heart.
  7. Think of one type of person that you really find hard to like.  It may be difficult at first, but go and try to spend some time with them.  Don’t treat them as a project but get to know them and understand them as a person created in the image of God.   Share with your Life Group and give feedback after a few months.


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)