The Church in Uncertain Time

by Pastor Chee Seng FAH | GOD

Discussion Questions  |  15 March 2020




Scripture / Discussion Questions

Psalm 46

Choose one or more questions to discuss with your group:

  1. We are in times of uncertainty. This can cause us to feel anxiety and fear. Reflect on the past week. Where have you gone to find refuge during your times of anxiety and fear?
  2. Ps Chee shared that you cannot be your own refuge at times like this. Only God is the refuge that can give you strength. Have you tried to be your own refuge? What does it look like to seek God as your refuge? Give examples.
  3. Read Psalm 46:10 (TPT) – “Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.” How does anxiety and internal striving prevent you from seeing God? What can you practically do to ‘be still’ for the purpose of seeing God in these uncertain times?
  4. What can you do as a group this week, to encourage one another to seek God as your refuge and strength when you feel anxious or fearful?