Thriving in the Hidden

by Pastor Kyle Schroder | Thriving not just Surviving

Discussion Questions  |  10 May 2020




Scripture / Discussion Questions


As we go through life, each of us will experience seasons of ups and downs – from times of hardship, seasons of finding ourselves hidden in the background, and other times where we soar to the heights of celebration and everything going our way. Whatever season we find ourselves in we want to ask the question – what does it look like to really thrive and not just survive in the eyes of God?

It’s easy to feel hidden when there are so many things that pull you away from what we would traditional view as the prime spaces to interact with God. He not only sees you in those hidden places, but he desires that you are close to him even there. There is a greater opportunity than just having a faith that survives in hidden times, but rather, having a relationship with God that thrives in any space you find yourself. It has less to do with where you are, and more to do with allowing God to rule you where you are.


Read Psalm 139:1-18

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. As you’ve navigated through the many changes we’ve had over the last two months, have you felt like you’ve been thriving, or just surviving? How so?
  2. How do you relate to this idea of being hidden and finding yourself behind the scenes? Do you often feel hidden or unseen? If not, can you think of someone in your life who might be?
  3. When you read Psalm 139, what stands out to you? How does it make you feel to know that God sees and knows you so intimately, even when you may not feel seen or acknowledged by others?
  4. Ps Kyle said that ‘surviving is the mentality of seeing stages of life as waiting periods until a better season comes along and thriving is the mentality of seeing every part of life as an opportunity for growth’. Do you agree? What opportunities for growth can you recognise for yourself at this time?
  5. Ps Kyle mentioned that there is not an ideal place or season for communion with God, but there is an ideal posture. What are ways that help you to posture, or could help you to posture yourself so that you can commune with God?

Is there someone in your life that might be a bit hidden or unacknowledged? How could you encourage or bless them this week?