Values Driven Discipleship

Ps Greg CRAANEN  |  Sunday 12 August 2018


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything


Groups & Gatherings – Jesus is experienced and revealed more when we are together than alone.

Reproducibility – Healthy disciples reproduce disciples.

Actively Hearing & Obeying – Through hearing and obeying the Living Word, we work with God to see change in us and others.

Connecting – Jesus connected with God and those near and far from God.

Everyday Moments – The Holy Spirit uses everyday moments to shape us to become more like Jesus.

Throughout the Bible we see that God is more concerned with the condition of the heart rather than external appearances.  When Samuel was looking to anoint the next king of Israel God gave this advice, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  This advice is still relevant for us today.


Read Matthew 23:25-28



  • What do these passages tell us about God?
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage?
  • What did you not like about this passage?


Jesus’ greatest rebuke to the Pharisees was because they gave so much time to how they appeared outwardly but little time to the inward motives and values of the heart. If we were to be honest, there is still a lot of Pharisee in all of us. Values driven discipleship focuses on the transformation of the inner person rather than the outward behaviours. When our discipleship is driven by values the outward behaviour will change accordingly. This requires us to take time to disciple the inner person and to be more transparent. This may be scary at first but the result will be a greater freedom and experience of that life abundant that Jesus promises in John 10:10.

Discuss one or more of the following questions.

  1. Reflect on the way you were parented. What positive or negative values (spoken or unspoken) did you receive from your parents or guardian? How have they shaped the person you are today?
  2. Think of one person who has had the greatest impact in your life (either positive or negative). What values were driving their lives that influenced you the most?
  3. Name a positive value that you appreciate about the person sitting on your left. What behaviour indicates that their lives are driven by this value?
  4. Pastor Greg described one definition of integrity as when what we portray to others on the outside is the same as who we are on the inside. What is preventing you from being more open and transparent to others? How can the Life Group help you in this? What needs to change within the Life Group to facilitate a safe place for people to be who they are?
  5. Although we want our church values to be based around G.R.A.C.E., when you reflect upon the people in our church, what we do and what we communicate what do you think are our real values? In other words, what is really driving us? How might we begin to transition to the values of G.R.A.C.E.?
  6. Reflect on what you do as a Life Group. What G.R.A.C.E. values are operating well? Which ones are being neglected? What needs to happen so that all the values are being reflected in the life of the group?
  7. Reflect on what you do as a family. What G.R.A.C.E. values are operating well? Which ones are being neglected? What needs to happen so that all the values are being reflected in your family?
  8. Amir shared how he was naturally living out the values of G.R.A.C.E. within his workplace. Where do you spend the majority of your time? What is one step you can take to begin living out these values in that space? How can the Life Group help you? Give feedback to the Life Group next time you meet.


  1. Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  2. What will you do to obey this? I will…