When I’m Feeling Joy / Give Me Five

Guest Speaker Dan LIAN    |  Sunday 29 July 2018


To build disciples who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything

Faith in Jesus is an exciting lifelong journey of discovery. It is a life of ups and downs, trial and error, victories and defeats. Yet through all of it we can be assured that Jesus does not love us based upon how lovely we are but based upon who He is. He is love and He loves us unconditionally through all our ups and downs. We can have faith in Jesus because he is faithful.



  • Mark 4:1 – 9
  • Mark 5:1 – 43
  • Mark 6:1 – 6


  • What do these passages tell us about God?
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage?
  • What did you not like about this passage?


In Hebrews 11:6 it says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  Jesus always looked for the evidence of faith in the life of the person he was ministering to.  Due to the lack of faith of the people in his hometown Jesus was unable to perform many miracles.  Faith is simply trusting God in every area of life no matter what the circumstances.  Faith in Jesus is the environment in which can God work and perform miracles.  What kind of environment are we helping to create in our marriage, families, workplace and church?  Is it one of faith in Jesus Christ?

Discuss one or more of the following questions.

1. In the parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-9), Dan brought to our attention the importance of the environment of faith for the Word to grow and produce abundant crops.  In what way are you helping to produce an environment of faith in your self, marriage, family, Life Group, work place or church?  What are you doing well?  In what areas could you improve?

2.  On Sunday, we were asked the question, ‘What do you want your future story to be?’Regardless of our past or our present circumstances the gospel tells us that we can be made new.  With the eyes of faith, imagine yourself in 10 years time.  With God helping you, what type of person would you be?  How different would you be from who you are today?  What would you like to change?  What would you like to keep?  Write it down and make it your future goals.  Share with the rest of the group next time you meet.  How can your friends, family, Life Group help you in achieving these goals?

3. The hardness test: On a scale from one to ten where would you rate your hardness of heart towards hearing and obeying the Word of God?  Are there areas that you find more difficult than others?  Share with the group.

4.  One of the blockages to experiencing the abundant life in Christ is familiarity with the things of God.  Are there areas in your life where the passion has waned?  Share with your Life Group.  How can this realisation or declaring openly with others be a discipleship moment for you?  How can the rest of the Life Group help you in this?

5.  In Mark chapter 5 we read of three healings: the demoniac, Jairus’ daughter, and the woman with the flow of blood.  Are there areas in your life that you would like to bring to Jesus for healing?  Allow some time as a group to pray for those things.

6.  The healed demoniac wanted to leave his community and travel with Jesus.  However, Jesus told him to stay in the community he was in and tell them about what Jesus has done for him.  What communities are you in – family, friendship circle, school, workplace, neighbourhood, clubs, societies, etc.?  In what way can you be a witness within these communities to what Jesus has done for you?  What is your next step in being a disciple who represents Jesus to everyone, everywhere with everything?



  1. Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  2. What will you do to obey this? I will…