A Critical Heart

by Senior Pastor Chee-Seng FAH | The Hard Heart

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  10 March 2019

The Hard Heart
The key focus in this series is on GROWING.  In the area of spiritual growth, it is foundational that we understand that God is the key player.  He is the divine initiator.  If we removed God from the passages of the Bible we would have very little of the Bible left.  That is because He is the key player.  Yet, we live our own personal lives forgetting that God is the key player in our life.  May the Spirit open our eyes to recognise in a greater way how God can be the Lord of our lives.



  • Mark 3:1-6
  • Job 42:1-10


  • What do these passages tell us about God? 
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage? 
  • What did you not like about this passage? 


One of the fruits of a hardened heart is a critical spirit and a critical spirit can cause a heart to become even more hardened. It is a perpetual cycle.  In order to break this cycle, and cultivate a soft and grace-filled heart, we need to openly receive His offer of restoration and healing.

Discuss one or more of the following questions.

1.  Share a time when God performed a‘miracle’in your life but you missed it due to unbelief, ungratefulness or God did not answer in the way you wanted Him to etc. What were the circumstances?  When did you come to the realisation that God was actually working and gave thanks to Him?

2. In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus asked the man to stand up in front of everyone and to stretch out his hand.  Here was an opportunity for restoration.  He asked the man to do what he could (stand up and stretch out his hand) and to let God do the rest (heal his hand). What would have happened if the man refused to come forward and stretch out his hand?  Has there been a time in your life where you have missed the opportunity for restoration i.e. you knew what to do or where to get help for your own restoration but refused to do it?  It is never too late.  What can you do right now for your own restoration?

3. What people/things/circumstances do you find the easiest to be critical about? What is underneath this attitude of criticism?  Who/what is on the throne of your life during these times of criticism? How can you allow God to disciple you in this area so that He is on the throne?

4. If you were to hold a mirror in front of you to reflect your true self, what areas clearly stand out that do not align with Christ-likeness?  If you find it difficult to see these areas ask someone you trust to give you insight (your spouse, friend, mentor etc.).

5. In what way does the story in Mark 3:1-6 reveal the heart of God?  How does this change anything in the way you have been living your life?  What do you need to do differently?

6.  What are the attitudes of the Pharisees in Mark 3:1-6?  In what way do you have a similar attitude to the Pharisees?  Now is an opportunity to have a grace-changed heart in this area.  Spend some time in personal confession and repentance.  How can you change in this area?



  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?  
  • What will you do to obey this? I will…