Fading or Forvever

by Senior Pastor Chee-Seng FAH | But God

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  7 April 2019

But God

One of the most powerful two-word phrases in the Bible is ‘but, God’. This small two-word phrase allows God to change the trajectory of our life. Too many times we look at things through our own eyes and understanding. ‘But God’ tells us to look at things as God sees it. “But, God” stands totally opposed to the negative roar of the world. The world says no — “But, God” says yes! The world says can’t — “But, God” says can! “But, God” is courageous, confident and conclusive! No matter what the situation, no matter what the problem, no matter how bad it may be, “but God” can make it better! “But God” changes everything.



  • 1 Peter 1:22-25
  • Philippians 1:12-25
  • 2 Timothy 2:8-10
  • Hebrews 11:32-40


– What do these passages tell us about God? 
– What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
– What did you like about this passage? 
– What was it about this passage that made you uncomfortable? 


Often when we find ourselves in life’s struggles we pray for God to take them away.  Whilst there is nothing wrong with that, what do we do when those hardships remain?  It is then that we need to ask God for strength to journey through it and to rise above it.  We need to learn to live as people who have the imperishable seed even whilst living in a world that is perishing. 

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. In 1 Peter 1:22 Peter commands his readers to ‘love one another deeply from the heart’.  How can we learn to love someone that we dislike?  What would this deep love for others look like when it is put into practice in your life? 
  2. We have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus and born again of imperishable seed (1 Peter 1:23).  How does this knowledge impact the way you live?
  3. Share a time when you asked God to remove a difficulty in your life but He never did.  How did you get through it?  How are you a different person from having lived through it?
  4. What priorities need to change in our lives in view of the fact that the Word of God is living and enduring and far more important than the temporary things around us (1 Peter1: 24-25)?
  5. How do you react when suffering comes?  How is your lifestyle in difficult times a testimony to your faith in Jesus?
  6. Identity two truths from 1 Peter1: 22-25 that has personal application or importance in your own life.  Describe how it applies to you.


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)